
Archive for the ‘stomach aches’ Category

My daughter, Kristyn, received her first Gardasil shot on January 9th, 2009. Her doctor practically forced it on us and scared my daughter into getting it. My daughter was 15.

Shortly after receiving her first shot, she almost passed out while we were in Wal-Mart.

I thought it was from not eating, so I bought her a candy bar. She had a couple other times where she felt like she was going to pass out after that.

Her second shot was on March 9th, 2009, just one day after her 16th birthday. It was after the second shot that she started complaining of odd things.

Before getting the Gardasil shots, she was a healthy, happy, energetic 16 year old teenager.   After receiving the second shot, she was up all night one night with terrible leg pains in both legs. I figured it was just ‘growing pains’. Then after a few days, she was very dizzy and couldn’t walk straight. I did not realize what was going on until March 20th, 2009.

It was that Friday morning when I received an email concerning Gardasil and what it was doing to other girls. I got an email with a link to a young girl’s video on Youtube. The young girl’s name is Holly. (Her and her mother are both in a yahoo group called Let’s Talk About Gardasil that I’m a member of.) After watching that heart breaking video, I started researching and made the connection with Gardasil and my daughters’ problems.

It just so happened to be that same Friday that we ended up in the Emergency Room with my daughter. She was having leg pains in both legs, tingling in both legs, numbness in both legs and also her left arm. She had terrible weakness all over and just felt like she had no energy. She was in tears with the pain so I took her to the ER.

They did a CT scan and some blood work. They could not find anything ‘wrong’ with her but she kept saying that something was not right. The doctor advised that we not get the third Gardasil shot because she was obviously having a reaction to the vaccine.

I called her doctor’s office on Monday, March 23rd to tell them what was going on and what I had found. They said to bring her right in, so I did.

At first the doctor did not even want to discuss the link that I had found with Gardasil and the 10,000 plus reports that had been reported on VAERS. She dismissed it all and said that it couldn’t be Gardasil. I told her that there was no way that she could positively say that since this vaccine is SO new and had only been clinically tested for 5 years and not on girls from ages 9 thru 15 (that clinical study was stopped before it was concluded).

She did more blood work the next day (Tuesday, March 24th) and said it would be a week before we got the results back. I told her that all of the other girls that are sick or have died (47 deaths the last I checked), all of their tests seem to come back ‘normal’.

During this week, Kristyn got worse. She began to have back pain that went from her neck to her feet, terrible pressure in her head, involuntary muscle jerking, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, severely tired, chest pains, rib pain, heart racing, I can’t even remember all of her symptoms.

She’s been back to the ER since then (by ambulance because of problems breathing) and has been unable to do her class work since this started. (most of the girls have had to drop out of school because they are SO sick!).

Now she is having problems with her vision and the light hurts her eyes.

I received a call from her doctor’s office telling me that she was diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever. They called in Penicillin for her to take. They basically have started acting like they aren’t interested in her.

Kristyn took her full round of penicillin. During the course of the medication, she seemed to feel better. But now that the penicillin is finished, her symptoms have started coming back.

Since this diagnosis, she’s been to other doctors.  Several of them have told me that diagnosing her with Rheumatic Fever would be very hard to do just based on her blood panel results.  So I don’t know if she has/had Rheumatic Fever or not.

Oh I forgot to mention, on January 9th when she got her first Gardasil shot, they also gave her Menactra (which I did not know they were giving her). Since I started researching this I found that Merck only tested Gardasil with Hep B vaccine. The reports of these side effects are off the chart when mixed with Menactra!

Some of these girls are having grand mal seizures, paralysis, pancreatitis, all sorts of STRANGE and unusual diagnosis and symptoms. We’re talking very healthy, active (some even very athletic) girls before Gardasil…now these same girls are very sick and nobody can find out what is going on.

I have an idea of what is going on but I’m no doctor. The Gardasil shots have 225 micrograms of reactive aluminium in each shot. 1 microgram is considered to be toxic!

My daughter has been allergic to nickel since she was born.  Maybe this is why my daughter is suffering, because of the aluminium that’s in the vaccine? A lot of the other girls that are having these types of symptoms are also allergic to costume jewellery, metals, etc.  Maybe THIS is another link?

Why have the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries chosen to experiment with the first ever, large scale application of a new, unproven, genetically modified, inter-species gene mixing vaccine technology on the female youth of an entire generation?

Under the ruse of attempting to eradicate cervical cancer, Merck is actually engaged in the first large scale, real world deployment and testing of genetically modified DNA, genetically engineered proteins and genetics produced by the combining of genetic material from more than one origin or species in a vaccine.

We just want some answers. They need to pull this vaccine off the market and do some further research! Gardasil was fast-tracked through the FDA and is now a mandatory vaccine in several states, with other states following suit.
It is an outrage what is happening to our daughters!

We have had several girls that have been interviewed by the media in several states, and some have been interviewed by their local newspapers. We are trying to get the word out as fast as we can because these doctors are dispensing this GardaHELL like candy every day…and every day that passes is that many more girls that will become very ill.

I did not know of any of this when I allowed that doctor to inject this poison into my daughter’s body. They said it was safe and that she even gave it to her own daughter.

I’ve since found out that most of the girls’ doctors that are sick said the same things to them!

One more thing…the last time we checked VAERS, there was almost 16,000 reports…that’s up from 10,000 since March 24th and they are backlogged, so that number isn’t even correct. And it’s estimated that only 1 to 10% adverse effects are even reported.

My daughter was taking a low dose birth control pill because she was having a ‘heavier than normal’ discharge.  Her doctor put her on the birth control to try and regulate this.

After she started having all of these side effects/reactions, she decided to throw the birth control in the trash.  She didn’t want anything going in her body.
Two weeks after throwing them in the trash, she got pregnant.  Now she is having to go through high risk doctors.  Her health is not good and now she is carrying a baby that could possibly be affected by the Gardasil.

Merck states that Gardasil is not recommended for pregnant women.  They have set up a registry on their site to follow women that get pregnant or are already pregnant and didn’t know it while having the Gardasil vaccine injections.  There are reports of spontaneous abortions and fetal abnormalities in women that were injected with Gardasil.

So not only are we dealing with all of the symptoms that Kristyn has… we are also worried about the baby.

I’m just sick of trying to talk to doctors about the links to Gardasil and hearing ‘it’s not the Gardasil’.  How can they be so certain?  This vaccine is NEW and was only tested for 5 years.  It would just be nice to finally find a doctor that would really look into this!  The doctors just seem to not want to deal with any of us if we even mention Gardasil to them!

I just want my healthy, happy and energetic teenage daughter back!!
Please educate before you vaccinate with the HPV vaccine Gardasil!
Gardasil is hurting and killing our beautiful daughters all over the globe!
My 16 year old daughter is one that has been hurt by getting vaccinated.  And I did not know the dangers beforehand.
Please get informed first!  I wish I had!

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I think my daughter may be having a reaction to the Gardasil shots.

Before she started her series of shots my 17 year old daughter was a very outgoing young girl. She attends the local high school along with taking 3 classes at the community college. She is on the swim team, she is an editor for the yearbook, and she is the president of the drama club. And in her spare time when she gets bored she writes a book. She has managed all this in spite of the fact that she is Dyslexic.

She had her first shot in October 08 and sometime after the shot she was complaining of headaches and stomach aches but I dismissed it as stress because of all her activities at school and getting ready for midterm exams.

On 12/22/08 she had her second shot and the complaints increased along with sudden periods of extreme nausea. On 12/29/08 I watched my daughter fall to the ground and have convulsions in front of me as we tried to take our Christmas tree out of our house. It did not last long but it sure did scare me. She has no family or personal history of seizers. My husband and I took her to the local ER and after around 8 hours of tests, the Dr. in the ER told me not to worry about it because healthy young 17year olds do not just start having seizers. They told me she was perfectly healthy and wrote it up as a fainting spell.

After the seizure the headaches became almost constant and her stomach always hurt. When Christmas break was over she was unable to make it to school because she felt so bad. I kept trying to push her back to school. She called me from the school clinic in tears and I took her to her family Dr. By this point my daughter was also complaining of blood in her stool. The doctor ordered an EEG and MRI because of the seizure and made an appointment with a gastro enologist and sent her home with medicine for an ulcer. The Gastro Dr. ordered outpatient procedures to check her stomach and bowels. Again all tests came back normal and we were sent home.

After a while she started feeling better and most days she was making it to school. This week she is home on the couch again. She can barely walk and has complaints of back pain. After everything that has happened over the last couple of months I don’t know what to think. I guess it is possible that she moved wrong and pulled something, but I just can’t help but wonder if this is yet another unexplained medical issue that we are going to have to deal with since her Gardasil shots.

One thing is for sure: she will NOT be getting the third one.

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My name is Ian Kay and I am from Adelaide, Australia. I am the grandparent of Jade, a beautiful young 16 year old girl, who has over the past 18 months had to go through a complete life style change. The complete story is quite long and emotional but I will keep it as brief as I can.

It all started in May 2007, about a week after Jade received her first Gardasil injection. Jade started getting severe lower abdomen pain on the right hand side. It was tolerated for a week or so, then she was hospitalised. No cause was found however they decided to remove her appendix.

Jade was no sooner released from hospital when she started getting severe lower back pain and paralysis of the legs. She was once again hospitalised and treated for pain management. This time her stay in hospital was 6 weeks. She was released just before her 15th birthday in September 2007.

Jade was advised to get her second Gardasil injection. She received the injection, and within 2 hours she had paralysis of the legs. They just gave out on her while she was walking along.

During the last twelve months, Jade has had continual back pain which starts at the lower back and moves up her spine to her neck. She has lost the use of her legs on many occasions, but until recently she could usually use them again after a night’s rest. She has suffered severe body spasms of which she has had absolutely no control, as well as chest pain and breathing difficulty.

About five weeks ago, one day after her 16th birthday, Jade was swimming in her family pool with her younger brother. When he noticed she seemed to be in trouble, he called out for some help and Jade was pulled to the side. At this point she had no use of her arms and legs, and was unable to move her neck. I feel a tragedy would have occurred had her brother not been in the pool with her. She was taken to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital here in Adelaide and was once again admitted. Within a few days, she regained the use of her arms and neck muscles, but up until now she still does not have the use of her legs.

Jade has been humiliated in hospital. Some nurses believe her condition is within her mind and treat her poorly. She hates being in hospital and would do anything to get out.

Since being in hospital, Jade has had an MRI and lumbar puncture all negative results. She has been having Physiotherapy everyday to try to get her legs working but very little is happening. She always suffers acute pain after a session and is medicated to help.

Yesterday (25/11/08) she had a fairly tough physio session and as a result she started to get severe back pain. Within half an hour her pain turned to chronic back pain and no medication was able to relieve it. After three hours of screaming the hospital ward down they injected morphine into her blood stream, eventually she calmed down and went to sleep. This lasted for about four hours and when she came to she was once again in screaming pain. They injected two more shots of morphine into her this did not arrest the pain, they then gave her something else which knocked her out. I am frightened what today will bring.

During the course of the last 18 months, not one medical person would say that Gardasil was responsible for her condition. The moment you mention it, they all clam up. We have no doubt that this injection caused this young girl’s demise, she was a perfectly healthy sports loving girl prior to being immunised.

What do we do now? The Doctors here don’t seem to know what to do, they give Jade pain relief but do not treat the cause. I am not a Doctor but I can see that all her problems seem to be coming from the area of her central nervous system in her back. She has seen neurologists and they dismiss her condition. No one will seem to go outside of their square to investigate the source of her pain.

Thank you for reading my story. Jade’s parents and grandparents are being told by the system that they don’t know what is happening. How scary is this.

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My name is Jamie, I have spent my whole life trusting doctors. I guess it is like they always say, it doesn’t bother you till it happens to you! I first heard about the Gardasil shot manufactured by Merck in July 2007. I think the only reason why it appealed to me is because my Daughter had just turned 10. I immediately hopped on the Internet to check it out. I read the Gardasil web site and read their basic information. I then Googled Gardasil side effects. Finding under that category nothing too alarming, I went and made an appointment. I talked to my husband and we both felt it was a good idea. I mean, I put her in my shoes, I have never been with anyone but my husband, but he had been with one other person prior to me. So, with that mentality, I figured that I wouldn’t want my daughter to get HPV, or cervical cancer just because she fell in love with someone that had been with someone else.

We went to her appointment and I talked to her doctor about what the side effects might be and how she felt about the drug. She told me the same things as what I had read about on the Internet. She said that most girls had little to no reaction, and the most that we could expect to happen was that she might faint, but highly unlikely. She expressed that her feeling on the shot, is that we should do all we can to protect these girls because there is so much that can effect them as they get older, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and osteoporosis. I agreed and proceeded to have her get the shot. She received the shot in her arm in Aug., 2007.

She left the doctors office without incidence. We went home and she had a lot of soreness in her arm. This continued for several days. She also felt warm to the touch, but nothing unusual. She said her stomach hurt a few days after getting the shot, but once again this was expected. She went on with life with no other complications.

She did not get her next shot until Jan. 25, 2008, she had been sick, and so had her brothers, so the doctor thought it would be best to wait till the whole family was well. She got the injection and everything went as expected. She had soreness at the injection site, and that was it for two days. The second day after she got her shot, she started saying that her stomach hurt and that her head was ” annoying” her. I thought nothing of it and we went about our days. The headaches would come and go but seemed to get a little worse day by day. Her stomach hurt everyday but nothing to concerning. This went on for a few months, on and off everyday. I assumed that it was her body changing, she has needed to wear a bra now for a year, so I knew these things would be coming soon.

On Friday April 18, 2008 we went out shopping with my sister-in-law. One of her favourite things to do. Then she started to complain that her stomach hurt. Now, by this time we had been dealing with this for a few months, so I told her she would be ok, and if she wanted to she could sit for awhile. She continued to have a “pained look” on her face the rest of the night and winced every so often. She had also experienced “flu like symptoms” the weekend before. Now I say flu like because she never ran a fever, she never had any aches or pains, and it passed in just a few hours. Once again I assumed that these pains might be because of that, just a little residual pain. She woke up that night and her stomach hurt so bad she could not sleep, so I gave her some Tylenol thinking that would be less harmful to her stomach. She eventually went back to bed.

The next morning she woke up and said she felt fine. We had a friend’s birthday party to go to, and she felt well enough to go. While we were at the party she started complaining that the pain hurt so much that the Motrin was not helping at all. We very quickly said our goodbyes and went home. By the time we got to our house she was doubled over in pain, and didn’t want to eat. She said that she just wanted to go to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital shortly thereafter and we were taken to the room. The doctor came in and said that she wanted to run some blood test just to make sure it was nothing severe to worry about. The doctor came back into the room an hour or so later and said that there is something very wrong and that they wanted to admit her. She said that her enzymes where high and that she had something very serious and that they are going to treat it very seriously. The next morning I was informed that she had pancreatitis, and that it is a very painful disease and that she would be on Morphine for at least the next few days. She was hospitalized for four days and then released still on Vicodine.

She still had residual pain for the next week and we went in to have her check up. the doctor said that the pain was normal, but should subside in a few days. we went through life, and eventually it got better until two weeks after she was released from the hospital. She called from school saying that her stomach hurt just like it did before. I took her immediately into her doctor who had some blood work done. She then told us that her enzymes were high again and had an appointment made for the next morning with a gastroenterologist.

We went to the gastroenterologist and her order blood work, and stool sample tests. Everything came back normal. We have now been seeing him for months and no results. She has been in and out of countless emergency rooms without any answers. She has had several CT scans done, and endoscope, a colonoscopy, and this Friday she will be going in to have a pill cam endoscopy done.

My daughter prior to all of this was an honor roll student, she played drums in her school band, and couldn’t wait till this year when she could start chorus. She played softball, basketball, and her favourite sport, chasing her little brothers. Now, she has pain everyday. Some days are worse then others. On a good day she can go to school and hang out with her friends. On the bad days she can not move out of bed. She has severe abdominal pain, back pain, headaches, joint pain, and sometimes diarhea. She has been on countless medicines with no good outcome.

Her gastroenterologist keeps trying to label her with IBS, but if it were IBS, then the drugs they have tried would have worked, and the only sign she has had of IBS is the abdominal pain. She hasn’t had bloating, diarrhea or constipation. She has had no long term problems with pain. She rarely had to take Motrin or Tylenol, just for a fever.

Now, I know some people think that this is such a low side effect, and that it won’t happen to you. Guess what, it wouldn’t have happened to me either, until it did, now it’s to late. Honestly I don’t think the risk is worth the possible benefit. I only hope that someday there will be enough information out there to help her. God knows the United States government, the FDA, and the CDC have let us down and I hope no one else has to feel the regret that I do.

Thank you, Jamie

UPDATE: Jamie found out in early October that her daughter has developed a lot of small intestinal ulcers.

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Crystal emailed me a copy of a letter she sent to Merck, the manufacturers of Gardasil, detailing the negative health effects her daughter suffered after receiving the vaccine.

May 14, 2008

TO: Mr. Richard T. Clark, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO, Merck & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1150, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

My daughter suffered a severe and prolonged reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, which was reported to Merck on November 12, 2007 (Service Request # 1-1619214020). Attached is a detailed description of my daughter’s reaction. Although she has seemingly recovered, I remain concerned that appropriate measures are not being taken to prevent other patients from suffering similar reactions. Specifically, I have the following questions:

(1) Has Merck notified medical professionals who administer the Gardasil vaccine of the potentially long-term side effects? Is any action underway to require medical providers who administer the Gardasil vaccine to ask the patients if they have had any unexplained illness before giving the second and third vaccines? (Although my daughter had been very sick for 3+ weeks, the second Gardasil vaccine was administered by the gynecologist’s office; no questions asked.)

(2) Is any research being done to identify a medical treatment plan for the side effects of Gardasil? (Throughout my daughter’s nine-week illness, NONE of the prescribed medications offered her ANY relief. When her doctor contacted Merck for assistance, they had nothing to offer.)

(3) Is there any plan to perform extensive follow-up with patients who have had the Gardasil vaccines? (Because the reactions vary and because they sometimes begin 30 days or more after the shot, it is highly probable that they are GREATLY UNDERREPORTED.)

(4) Is any research being done to determine which girls are at higher risk to have serious reactions to Gardasil? (Obviously, the majority of girls do not have a severe reaction, but it is also apparent from the number of VAERS reports that there have been several thousand girls who have had VERY SEVERE side effects. It seems that in-depth research of the affected patients’ medical backgrounds could help to identify those who should not risk having the vaccine.)

I have noted that your commercials and ads indicate that “fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and fainting” are possible side effects of the vaccine, leading the public to believe that someone may perhaps be sick for a short period after the vaccine. There is NO warning that these symptoms may persist for weeks, months, or even longer, and that someone may vomit persistently (several hundred times), lose 25 pounds in nine weeks, suffer from all the other symptoms that my daughter experienced, and be NONFUNCTIONAL for a prolonged period of time.

I look forward to receiving your answers to my questions. Please do not reply to me that my daughter’s illness was not caused by the Gardasil vaccine. We are convinced that she had a reaction to Gardasil for the following reasons:

(1) There is simply NO OTHER EXPLANATION for her illness. ALL of the medical tests performed (as listed on the attachment) were NORMAL. Prior to this, she had NO history of any illness with these symptoms.

(2) The illness began abruptly and ended almost as abruptly. It seemed as if her system was poisoned, and it finally “ran its course”.

(3) We know of other girls who had almost identical illnesses following the Gardasil vaccine. Some of their reactions also began as much as 3-4 weeks after the first shot.

(4) We have found hundreds of similar cases on internet blogs from parents and young women who are seeking help.

(5) Of the numerous doctors we consulted, NONE of them recommended that my daughter get the third Gardasil shot.

It is incumbent upon Merck, and in keeping with your company’s values and standards, to educate the public about the potentially harmful and prolonged side effects of Gardasil, and to take appropriate measures to prevent the suffering of several thousand more patients. Meanwhile, those of us who know the potential harm will continue to inform friends and acquaintances of our experiences, and we will discourage them from taking the chance on a vaccine that has not been thoroughly researched.

Crystal B. Wade


My daughter is a 19-year old college student at East Carolina University. On October 6, 2007, she was struck with a sudden illness that continued for approximately nine weeks. Prior to this, she was in excellent health. The primary symptoms of her illness were:

  • severe acid reflux (accompanied by horrendous burping)
  • vomiting every day (minimum of 2-3 times a day, but often 5-7 times a day)
  • motion sickness (this subsided after the first two weeks)
  • ear pain (this lasted for about three weeks)
  • recurring nausea
  • severe abdominal pain (worse just before and during menstruation)
  • diarrhea (several times a day)
  • extreme fatigue
  • weak/achy legs (this symptom began a few days after her second Gardasil shot and lasted for about a month)
  • muscle tenderness throughout her body
  • recurring headaches
  • intermittent back pain
  • weight loss of 25 lbs.

My daughter was under the care of an excellent Gastrointestinal Specialist in Greenville, NC, who diligently tried to identify the source of her illness and prescribe a treatment plan that would relieve her symptoms. Unfortunately, he was not successful.

My daughter underwent the following procedures, none of which showed any specific cause for her illness:

  • upper endoscopy
  • abdominal ultrasound
  • HIDA scan
  • CT abdominal scan
  • small bowel follow-through
  • colonoscopy
  • MRI and balance test of her inner ear
  • numerous series of blood and lab work

Several different medications were tried, but they were not effective in relieving her symptoms:

  • Prevacid (double dose)
  • Bentyl
  • Phenergan
  • Zofran
  • Reglan

My daughter’s nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea persisted. For nine weeks, she vomited after eating anything, even a saltine cracker. She usually vomited within 5-10 minutes of eating, but occasionally would make it for as long as 30 minutes. Her body rejected all foods as if she had been poisoned. Her body was producing so much acid that she often woke in the middle of the night and vomited acid. She frequently vomited acid in the mornings before she attempted to eat or drink anything. In the latter part of November, she discovered that Pepcid Complete provided more relief from the acid than the double dose of Prevacid. Throughout the illness, she was able to keep liquids down, so (amazingly) she never dehydrated. Most days she was too sick to get out of bed, and too nauseated to watch TV or read.

We are convinced that my daughter’s illness is the result of a reaction to the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine. She got her first vaccine on September 4, 2007, and first got sick a month later, on October 6, so we were not immediately suspicious that the vaccine was the cause of her illness. Unfortunately, she got her second shot on October 30, even though she was suffering from severe acid reflux, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. We had not made a connection between her illness and the vaccine, and we thought it was important that she stay on schedule with the vaccines. When she went to the gynecologist’s office (in Greenville, NC) for her second vaccine, no one asked her if she had experienced any unexplained illness since the first shot. We believe that her illness could have been shortened significantly if there was a checkpoint between shots.

Shortly after she got the second shot, she began to experience weakness in her legs and back pain, and her other symptoms worsened (especially the acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain). We then began to suspect that her illness was the result of a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. My daughter contacted her gynecologist’s office (in NC) and they informed her that any reaction to the Gardasil vaccine would have begun sooner than 30 days after the first shot and that the vaccine would not cause a reaction for the length of her illness. In spite of that, we reported her reaction to Merck and to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. However, when her GI Specialist contacted Merck, they said they did not have any information to share with him regarding her reaction. Because my daughter’s illness persisted and did not respond to any medications, and because ALL medical tests were normal, he began the process of referring her to the GI Clinic at UNC Chapel Hill.

During her menstruation in November (the first period following her second shot), she was profusely ill. She was doubled over in pain for several hours, suffered from profuse vomiting and diarrhea, chills and fever. The severe abdominal pains lasted for two days. We took her to the emergency room, she was admitted for one night, given fluids and Phenergan through an IV, continued to vomit acid, but was released for outpatient care. Subsequently, she visited a gynecologist in VA who suggested that she take birth control pills continuously for 6-12 months and not have a period, to allow time for her reaction to Gardasil to run its course.

During the second week of December 2007, my daughter ate a piece of dry toast and she did not vomit. At the time, she was still taking Reglan and Pepcid Complete. Gradually, for the next few days, she was able to keep down small portions of food, and her vomiting decreased to once or twice a day, and subsided within a week. Her other symptoms also began to subside, and she decided not to make the trip to the GI Clinic at UNC Chapel Hill. My daughter is convinced that her illness was a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, and she did not believe that there was anything the doctors could do to help her recover.

By Christmas, she was off of all medications and eating a normal diet. Since then, she has thrived. She is back at college, has returned to her part-time job, and regained approximately 10 pounds. About once a month, she has to take Pepcid Complete for acid reflux, and about once a month she gets sick after eating (vomiting and diarrhea), but she usually bounces back within a day. In March 2008, she was spotting, so she went off the pill and had a normal period.

We are hopeful that my daughter will not suffer any long-term effects from her Gardasil reaction. After reading about the serious and life-threatening reactions that many girls have experienced, we realize that my daughter was fortunate to recover. We are thankful that we realized that her illness was caused by the Gardasil vaccine before she got the third shot. It is highly probable that another dose of Gardasil would have been even more devastating to my daughter’s health.

We are aware of other girls who have suffered almost identical symptoms that began after their vaccines (sometimes 3-4 weeks after the first shot), and we have found many similar cases on internet blogs. Unfortunately, this information is not filtering to the medical professionals, and the affected individuals are suffering without any remedies being pursued. We consulted with numerous doctors in different specialties throughout her illness. Some doctors were of the opinion that my daughter’s illness was likely a reaction to the Gardasil vaccines, but many doctors were not willing to take that position. However, none of the doctors could prescribe an effective treatment to relieve her symptoms, and NONE of the doctors recommended that she get the third shot.

Subsequent to my daughter’s recovery, we reviewed the definitions of poisoning levels as described on the website of the Center for Disease Control (see below). During her reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, my daughter experienced almost all of the symptoms in the Moderate Poisoning range. We believe that, had she received the third vaccine, she would likely have reached the level of Severe Poisoning and may not have recovered.

Poisoning Symptoms as defined on the CDC website

Poisoning Symptoms

Each chemical family attacks the human body in a different way. General poisoning symptoms include the following.

Mild Poisoning

Headache, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, restlessness, perspiration, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, loss of weight, thirst, moodiness, soreness in joints, skin irritation, eye irritation.

Moderate Poisoning

Severe nausea, severe diarrhea, excessive saliva, stomach cramps, excessive perspiration, trembling, no muscle coordination and muscle twitches, extreme weakness, mental confusion, blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, cough, rapid pulse, flushed or yellow skin, weepy eyes.

Severe Poisoning

Fever, intense thirst, increased rate of breathing, uncontrollable muscle twitches, pinpoint pupils, convulsions, inability to breathe, unconsciousness.

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My Daughter Shelby (14) had the Gardasil Shot. She was fine for a short while, then started to vomit everyday for a month, with a low grade fever, abdominal pain and fatigue. The pain increased and was unbearable in her abdomen and in her back and she was hospitilized for a week. During that time her kidneys started to shut down.

They tested her for everything under the sun, Head MRI, Abdominal/Pelvic Cat Scans, tests for Lupus, Chrohns, Mono, Strep, Carcinoids syndrome, Endoscopy and Colonscopy to name just a few. She also started to develop a strange bright red rash on her face, neck and chest. She also developed high blood pressure during this time and had to be put on blood pressure meds.

After her release the abdominal pain lessened, however, she had periods throughout the day where she felt as if she was going to pass out. The rashes continued. Extreme fatigue. Then the abdominal pain started again. It was awful to have it return when we thought she was on the road to recovery. She would curl herself up in a ball and scream, it hurt so bad. She was again hospitalized. The pain always started in her upper left hand side of her abdomen. The doctor said that nothing was technically there, but they repeated the MRI, and did a stomach emptying test. None of the tests showed anything.

The doctors started to say that she was “Stressed” out, and needed a psych consult, because they couldn’t find anything. (Doctors cop out when they can’t identify the cause.) This encounter left Shelby sobbing. She left the hospital still in pain with no diagnosis. It was heartbreaking.

Our family in California urged us to try to find someone there to help Shelby (we are from Omaha), so we packed up the kids and went over there. She had severe abdominal pains when we first arrived there and ended up in the emergency room once again, CAT Scan negative. She was ill for three months straight in and out of hospitals, doctors offices, and specialists.

She is finally doing better, with the help of a nutritionist, who had to do intensive work with her, both Chiropractic, and supplemental to repair a condition called Intestinal Permeabilty or Leaky Gut. Her body basically was so inflammed and ill, that when she ate her body thought that the food or was some type of an invader and her immune system was fighting to respond to it.  It was just so over-run with these toxins that it couldn’t handle normal functions.  It was awful to watch her go through.  Some traditional doctors are so short minded that if they don’t find a typical diagnosis they just stop looking.  Thank God for other options.

Please do not allow any doctor to give this medication to your girls. It has been a horrible struggle for our daughter and our family as a whole. Research, read testimonies. It has not been proven, most doctors don’t know anything about this shot. They only know what Merck is releasing, which paints a very rosy picture. This picture doesn’t show how truly devastating this drug is. It is destroying lives. Many girls are affected worse than my daughter.

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Hello. I want to tell you about my 11 year old daughter Mikaela and her reaction to Gardasil.

Mikaela went to the doctor for a physical in July 2007. The Dr said she needed a 2nd Varicella vaccine and the new Gardasil vaccine. I thought she was too young for it. I was told it’s better get it now before it’s too late. I read the brochure that was given to me and consented for her to have it. The only side effects mentioned were soreness at the injection site.

There were no immediate side effects.

Approximately 2 weeks later she got a rash on her face, neck and chest. Her face swelled so badly that her eyes were shut. I took her to the doctor and asked if it was poison ivy or something similar. She said No. She thought Mikaela had Lupus so she did blood work and a urine test. Mikaela had protein in her urine. So we were referred to a kidney specialist. The blood results said Lupus was negative. Mikaela was started on steroids for the rash. We did several urine test throughout the following weeks. We saw the specialist. By then the protein was gone. He doesn’t know what caused it.

She started having migraine headaches around the time of the rash, also complaining of fatigue and a stomach ache.

Mikaela received the 2nd dose of Gardasil in September. The migraines, stomach aches and fatigue continued.

She got the last dose of Gardasil in January. The same symptoms continued. I asked to be referred to a endocrinologist to check on her thyroid.

In early February we got to see the endo. We knew she had a goiter but it was small and wasn’t causing any trouble. All of her blood work had been fine. She measured the goiter and checked her TSH levels. They were low. She was prescribed Synthroid.

The fatigue, migraines and stomach aches continued.

On February 29th, while sitting at the computer playing a videogame, she had a seizure. My younger daughter Emily said she was making funny noises (sort of like snoring) then slumped over in the chair. After repeated attempts to yell at her she wouldn’t wake up. She jerked, snapped out of it and started crying. She said she didn’t feel right and didn’t remember anything. She was complaining of a bad headache and stomach ache. I called her paediatrician. She said take her to ER at Children’s Hospital. She was so sleepy. She slept the hour and a half drive to the hospital. She was drowsy while we were there, then slept all the way back. Once we got home she went to bed and slept thru the night. The ER Dr said she had a fainting spell. It wasn’t a seizure since she wasn’t jerking, biting her tongue or falling out of the chair. They did an EKG and sent her home with a seizure booklet.

We followed up with the paediatrician. She said Mikaela simply fell asleep. She agreed with the ER doc about the jerking and etc…. she sent Mikaela for an EEG. Those results were normal.

I told the paediatrician that her migraines are still happening so she scheduled an MRI and referred us to a neurologist. The MRI results showed some swelling in the sinus cavities. He was more worried about all the school days that she has missed (30 so far). He prescribed Maxalt.

She also had a low grade fever for over a month. No explanation why she was having it. It went away about a month ago. Now its back. She is still experiencing daily fatigue. The stomach pains and migraines are happening less.

I blame the Gardasil for causing her problems. This is a child that was normal and healthy before getting the vaccine.

I wont make the same mistake with my younger daughter!!!!

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